Department Directory

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130 Items found
Lee Makowski

Lee Makowski

jointly appointed in Bioengineering & Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Image and signal processing as applied to biophysical data designed to answer fundamental questions about the molecular basis of living systems, and progression of Alzheimer's Disease
Avinash Manjula-Basavanna

Avinash Manjula-Basavanna

Senior Research Scientist, 

Engineered Living Materials, Synthetic Biology, Materials Engineering, Biomanufacturing, Nanotechnology, Protein Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, Sustainability and Nature-Inspired Engineering.
Jeremy Marshall

Jeremy Marshall

Lab Operations & Safety Manager, 

Waleed Meleis

Vice Provost for Graduate Education, 
Office of the Provost

Combinatorial optimization, function approximation for large-scale machine learning, platforms for large-scale social experimentation, assistive technology
Mona Minkara

Mona Minkara

Assistant Professor, 

Pulmonary surfactant (PS), Surfactant immunoproteins, Innate immune response, Computational methods, Computational modeling, Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo Simulations, Interfacial Phenomena, Biological interfaces, Therapeutics, Molecular Biophysics, Computational chemistry, Bioengineering, STEM Accessibility

Lorraine Mountain

Assistant Dean & Senior Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education

Departmental Programs: Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Data Analytics, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Energy Systems, Engineering Management, Engineering Public Policy, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Robotics, and Sustainable Building Systems.
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Prakash Nepal

Associate Research Scientist, 

Mark Niedre

Mark Niedre

Associate Dean of PhD Education, 
Office of the Dean

Biomedical optics and non-invasive imaging, rare cell detection and tracking in the body, ultrafast time-domain diffuse optical imaging, image reconstruction and biomedical signal processing
Stephanie Noble

Stephanie Noble

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Psychology & Bioengineering

statistical and computational tools to facilitate more precise human neuroscience inference and prediction
Jessica Oakes

Jessica Oakes

Associate Professor, 

Pulmonary physiology, biofluids and transport phenomenon, computational biomechanics, magnetic resonance imaging, multi-scale modeling

Mary Jo Ondrechen

Affiliated Faculty, 

Enzyme catalysis; functional genomics; modeling of enzyme substrate interactions; drug discovery; bioinformatics; protein design
Taskin Padir

Taskin Padir

Institute for Experiential Robotics

Experiential robotics, human-robot teaming at the extremes, embodied artificial intelligence
Harikrishnan Parameswaran

Harikrishnan Parameswaran

Associate Professor, 

We study cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions in the airway to understand the fundamental mechanisms that regulate airway caliber and why they fail in diseases like asthma.

Caroline Pridmore

Academic Operations Manager, 

Sina Rafiee

Sina Rafiee

Associate Research Scientist, 

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Shabeer Rather

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 
The Roux Institute

Sara Rouhanifard

Sara Rouhanifard

Assistant Professor, 

Developing chemical approaches to track and quantify important RNA processing events and modifications in single cells; DNA: protein interactions that drive differences in gene expression; understanding differences in RNA expression and the impacts on disease and development
Jeffrey W. Ruberti

Jeffrey W. Ruberti

COE Distinguished Professor, 

Tissue engineering of load-bearing matrix (bone, cornea); bioreactor design; multi-scale mechanobiochemistry; statistical mechanics; energetics microscopy; high-resolution imaging; biopolymer self-assembly
Nora Salmon

Nora Salmon

Assistant Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education