Faculty and Staff Directory

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38 Items found

Rouzbeh Amini

Associate Professor, 
jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Bioengineering

Biomechanics, mechanobiology, biotransport
Anand Asthagiri

Anand Asthagiri

Associate Professor, 

cell and tissue engineering, quantitative principles of cancer cell biology and developmental biology
Ambika Bajpayee

Ambika Bajpayee

Associate Professor, 

Drug delivery; bio-electrostatics; transport phenomena in biological systems; biomechanics; osteoarthritis
Chiara Bellini

Chiara Bellini

Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, 

Diseases of the cardiovascular system; effects of cellmediated growth and remodeling processes on tissue and organ mechanics
Samuel Chung

Samuel Chung

Associate Professor, 

Brain cell regeneration, automated microscopy and laser surgery, user-friendly and low-cost fluorescence microscopy
Guohao Dai

Guohao Dai


3-D bioprinting technology, stem cells technology and vascular bioengineering
Lital Davidi

Lital Davidi

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Biology & Bioengineering

Phyto-molecular biotechnology, with a focus on biofuels, natural products, and extreme environment adaptation

Eno E. Ebong

Associate Professor, 
jointly appointed in Chemical Engineering & Bioengineering

Studying the means by which endothelial cell mechanotransduction occurs in order to prevent or promote diseases related to blood vessel dysfunction
Qianqian Fang

Qianqian Fang

Associate Professor, 

Innovations in translational medical imaging devices to better diagnose cancers, low-cost point-of-care diagnostic tools to delivery life-saving medicines to the resource-poor regions, and high performance computing tools to facilitate the development of the next-generation imaging methods

Benjamin Gyori

Associate Professor, 
jointly appointed in Khoury College of Computer Sciences & Bioengineering

Intersection of systems biology, bioinformatics, and artificial intelligence to understand how biological cells work and react to drugs and environmental signals
Christa Haase

Christa Haase

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Bioengineering & Physics

Our long-term research goal is to develop and apply innovative spatial, single cell and optical technologies that will transform our understanding of cellular communication in health and disease and use this insight to develop new treatments.
Aileen Huang-Saad

Aileen Huang-Saad

Associate Professor, 

Entrepreneurship education microenvironments and their impact on the engagement of diverse populations, the influence of I-Corps on university ecosystems, and transforming BME education through instructional design
Miten Jain

Miten Jain

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Bioengineering & Physics

Nanopore technology, single-cell techniques, computational biology
Abraham Joy

Abraham Joy

Professor and Chair, 

Design and use of biomaterials for wound healing; antimicrobial/antibiofilm strategies; soft-tissue replacement; polymer condensates; and sustained delivery of therapeutics
Erel Levine

Erel Levine

Associate Professor, 

Systems and synthetic biology of the Brain-Immune-Gut super-system; Interactions among hosts and microbes; Deep learning approaches to interpreting biological data and designing biomedical solutions
Herbert Levine

Herbert Levine

University Distinguished Professor, 
jointly appointed in Physics & Bioengineering

Physical modeling of cancer progression, metastasis and interaction with the immune system. Most recent interests include the role of metabolic plasticity in these processes and the co-evolution of the tumor and the adaptive immune system. Other areas include spatial organization of the actin cytoskeleton, the mechanics of collective cell motility, and the analysis of genetic circuits involved in cell fate decisions.
Elizabeth Libby

Elizabeth Libby

Assistant Professor, 

Synthetic biology, microbiology, biosensor development
Francisco Loth

Francis Loth

jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Bioengineering

Biological flows, experimental fluid mechanics, computational fluid mechanics, blood flow simulation, cerebrospinal fluid simulation, Chiari malformation, syringomyelia, medical image processing, magnetic resonance imaging
Mingyang Lu

Mingyang Lu

Assistant Professor, 

Computational systems biology, an integration of mathematical modeling and bioinformatics for studying gene regulatory networks, single cell genomics, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, coarse-graining, reverse engineering, machine learning, stochasticity and heterogeneity in gene expression
Lee Makowski

Lee Makowski

jointly appointed in Bioengineering & Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Image and signal processing as applied to biophysical data designed to answer fundamental questions about the molecular basis of living systems, and progression of Alzheimer's Disease
Mona Minkara

Mona Minkara

Assistant Professor, 

Pulmonary surfactant (PS), Surfactant immunoproteins, Innate immune response, Computational methods, Computational modeling, Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo Simulations, Interfacial Phenomena, Biological interfaces, Therapeutics, Molecular Biophysics, Computational chemistry, Bioengineering, STEM Accessibility
Mark Niedre

Mark Niedre

Associate Dean of PhD Education, 
Office of the Dean

Biomedical optics and non-invasive imaging, rare cell detection and tracking in the body, ultrafast time-domain diffuse optical imaging, image reconstruction and biomedical signal processing
Stephanie Noble

Stephanie Noble

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Psychology & Bioengineering

statistical and computational tools to facilitate more precise human neuroscience inference and prediction
Jessica Oakes

Jessica Oakes

Associate Professor, 

Pulmonary physiology, biofluids and transport phenomenon, computational biomechanics, magnetic resonance imaging, multi-scale modeling
Harikrishnan Parameswaran

Harikrishnan Parameswaran

Associate Professor, 

We study cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions in the airway to understand the fundamental mechanisms that regulate airway caliber and why they fail in diseases like asthma.
Sara Rouhanifard

Sara Rouhanifard

Assistant Professor, 

Developing chemical approaches to track and quantify important RNA processing events and modifications in single cells; DNA: protein interactions that drive differences in gene expression; understanding differences in RNA expression and the impacts on disease and development
Jeffrey W. Ruberti

Jeffrey W. Ruberti

COE Distinguished Professor, 

Tissue engineering of load-bearing matrix (bone, cornea); bioreactor design; multi-scale mechanobiochemistry; statistical mechanics; energetics microscopy; high-resolution imaging; biopolymer self-assembly
Sandra Shefelbine

Sandra Shefelbine

Associate Dean of Space and Special Initiatives, 
Office of the Dean

Multi-scale bone biomechanics–how the structure and composition of bone influences its mechanical properties; mechano-adaptation of bone and joint– how tissue responds to mechanical signals
Nikolai Slavov

Nikolai Slavov


Single-cell proteomics, immunology, cancer drug resistance, translational regulation, quantitative systems biology, mass spectrometry, RNA decoding, protein synthesis and degradation, macrophage polarization, neurodegenerative diseases

Eduardo Sontag

University Distinguished Professor, 
jointly appointed in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Bioengineering

Feedback control theory, systems biology, cancer, and biomedicine
Tao Sun

Tao Sun

Assistant Professor, 

Focused Ultrasound, Ultrasound Imaging, Neuroimaging, Drug Delivery, Immunomodulation and Immunoengineering, Gliomblastoma, Alzheimer’s Disease
Amir Vahabikashi

Amir Vahabikashi

Assistant Professor, 

Cell and nucleus mechanobiology, soft bioelectronics for organoid/tissue scale mechanobiology and regenerative engineering, mechanotransduction, implantable bioelectronics
Lei Wang

Lei Wang

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Bioengineering & Biology

Wang laboratory integrates synthetic biology, tissue engineering, and microfluidics to investigate the design principles underlying cell state transitions, establish human physiological and pathological models using hiPSCs, and develop next-generation therapeutics for previously intractable diseases.
Ning Wang

Ning Wang


Cellular and molecular mechanobiology, mechanomedicine, and mechanohealth; cancer cell biology and mechanics; stem cell biology and mechanics; mechanomemory and mechanoresilience, mechanobiotechnologies and their applications to cells, tissues, and organisms

Meni Wanunu

jointly appointed in Physics & Bioengineering

Our group investigates biomolecules at the single-molecule level. We develop nanopore-based and other nanotechnology-based methods for probing the structure and dynamic behavior of biomolecules. We employ optical waveguides and single-molecule enzymatic approaches for RNA sequencing, and utilize engineered nanopore sensors for applications in single-molecule proteomics. We are experimentalists, but we also use advanced computational tools to perform big data analysis.
Jing-Ke Weng

Jing-Ke Weng

jointly appointed in Chemistry & Chemical Biology & Bioengineering

Natural product biochemistry, plant abiotic and biotic interactions, carbon sequestration, agricultural biotechnology, food allergy, drug discovery
Raimond Winslow

Raimond Winslow

jointly appointed in Bioengineering, Khoury College of Computer Sciences & Clinical and Rehabilitation Sciences

Computational modeling of the cardiac myocyte to understand the molecular basis of arrhythmias; machine learning in critical care medicine to identify those patients who require urgent care
Mohammad Abbas Yaseen

Mohammad Abbas Yaseen

Assistant Professor, 

Advanced microscopy for minimally invasive, in vivo characterization of brain function