Department Directory

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134 Items found
Saeed Amal

Saeed Amal

Assistant Research Professor, 

Artificial intelligence including deep learning and machine learning for healthcare, natural language processing (NLP) and image processing for healthcare, recommender systems for healthcare
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Kshitij Amar

Associate Research Scientist, 

Mansoor Amiji

University Distinguished Professor, 
jointly appointed in Pharmaceutical Sciences & Chemical Engineering

Polymeric biomaterials, drug delivery systems, nanomedical technologies

Rouzbeh Amini

Associate Professor, 
jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Bioengineering

Biomechanics, mechanobiology, biotransport

Javier Apfeld

Affiliated Faculty, 

Our goal is to determine how the brain regulates aging and resilience to stress.
Anand Asthagiri

Anand Asthagiri

Associate Professor, 

cell and tissue engineering, quantitative principles of cancer cell biology and developmental biology

Joseph Ayers

Affiliated Faculty, 
Bioengineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering

Development of underwater robots for civil infrastructure and explosive sensing; neurophysiology and behavior biomimetics
Sofia Baah

Sofia Baah

Marketing, Communications and Events Coordinator, 

Ambika Bajpayee

Ambika Bajpayee

Associate Professor, 

Drug delivery; bio-electrostatics; transport phenomena in biological systems; biomechanics; osteoarthritis
Sumner Barenberg

Sumner Barenberg

Professor of the Practice, 

Design Medical Implants; Medical Implant Due Diligence; Biomaterials, Biopolymers, Biomemetics, Polymer Physics; Biodegradation; Interfacial Phenomena, Chemotaxis, Accelerated Aging
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Abdullah Al Bashit

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 

Chiara Bellini

Chiara Bellini

Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, 

Diseases of the cardiovascular system; effects of cellmediated growth and remodeling processes on tissue and organ mechanics

Penny Beuning

Affiliated Faculty, 

chemical biology and biotechnology; DNA replication and repair; enzyme function
Caroline Blassick

Caroline Blassick

Assistant Teaching Professor, 

Single-cell optogenetics for the induction of gene expression and selection of individual Escherichia coli cells; control and characterization of temporal dynamics and cell-to-cell heterogeneity of gene regulatory networks in E. coli

Dana Brooks

Research Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Biomedical signal and image processing; medical imaging; statistical signal processing; inverse problems; electrocardiography; bio-optical imaging; magnetic resonance imaging; transcranial neuromodulation; estimation of protein conformations from Xray scattering; regularization; optimization

David Budil

Affiliated Faculty, 

Ahmed Busnaina

WL Smith Chair and University Distinguished Professor, 
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Nanomanufacturing; nano and microscale printing of sensors and electronics; nano and micro-scale defects in semiconductor manufacturing; high rate nanomanufacturing; power electronics, RF, NEMS devices and nanomaterials based nanoelectronics, flexible and hybrid electronics
Rebecca Carrier

Rebecca L. Carrier

COE Distinguished Professor & Associate Chair for Research and Faculty Affairs, 
Chemical Engineering

Intestinal tissue engineering, retinal regenerative medicine, oral drug delivery
Samuel Chung

Samuel Chung

Associate Professor, 

Brain cell regeneration, automated microscopy and laser surgery, user-friendly and low-cost fluorescence microscopy