Department Directory

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19 Items found
Nora Salmon

Nora Salmon

Assistant Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education

Max Sederer

Associate Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education

Prachi Shah

Prachi Shah

Financial Operations Coordinator, 

Sandra Shefelbine

Sandra Shefelbine

Associate Dean for Space and Special Initiatives, 
Office of the Dean

Multi-scale bone biomechanics–how the structure and composition of bone influences its mechanical properties; mechano-adaptation of bone and joint– how tissue responds to mechanical signals
Rebecca Sherbo

Rebecca Sherbo

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Chemistry and Chemical Biology & Chemical Engineering

Electrochemical and biological ways to make important chemical products from gases and renewable energy

Shiaoming Shi

Associate Teaching Professor, 

Cancer detection and drug discovery technologies
Nikolai Slavov

Nikolai Slavov


Single-cell proteomics, immunology, cancer drug resistance, translational regulation, quantitative systems biology, mass-spectrometry, macrophage polarization, neurodegenerative diseases

Eduardo Sontag

University Distinguished Professor, 
jointly appointed in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Bioengineering

Feedback control theory, systems biology, cancer, and biomedicine
Esin Sözer

Esin B. Sözer

Assistant Teaching Professor, 

Bryan Spring

Affiliated Faculty, 

targeted photomedicine, biophysical microscopy and cancer biology

Srinivas Sridhar

Affiliated Faculty, 

nanomedicine; neurotechnology; drug delivery, MRI imaging
Armen Stepanyants

Armen Stepanyants

Affiliated Faculty, 

Theoretical Condensed Matter And Biological Physics

Dagmar Sternad

University Distinguished Professor, 
jointly appointed in Biology & Electrical and Computer Engineering

Motor control and learning, variability and stability, virtual rehabilitation, dynamic modeling, rhythmic and discrete movements as primitives for action
Tao Sun

Tao Sun

Assistant Professor, 

Focused Ultrasound, Ultrasound Imaging, Neuroimaging, Drug Delivery, Immunomodulation and Immunoengineering, Gliomblastoma, Alzheimer’s Disease
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Phoebe Szarek

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 