Bioengineering Spotlights

70 Items found

Oct 14, 2022

PhD Spotlight: Yasmeen Farra, PhD’22 – Bioengineering

Yasmeen Farra, PhD’22, bioengineering, focuses research on vascular mechanics – specifically, how chronic disease associated with e-cigarette “vaping” or cigarette smoking influences the structural integrity and functional health of large arteries. Following graduation, Farra took her passion for scientific research to her new role as a scientist at Senda Biosciences, a biotech startup in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She works on the translational biology team to help bring life-changing treatments to patients by harnessing Senda’s platform for fully programmable medicines.


Sam Salinas

Aug 31, 2022

PhD Spotlight: Sam Salinas, PhD’22 – Bioengineering

Sam Salinas, PhD’22, bioengineering, earned his undergraduate degree is in Aerospace and Mechanical engineering. After working a few years in the biomedical industry he decided to go back to school. He had the privilege to work in the Amini lab for soft tissue biomechanics. In particular, he researched the Tricuspid valve anterior leaflet. Because elastin, […]


Jul 13, 2022

BioE Alum Wins 2022 Innovator Award

Bioengineering alumna Samantha Johnson, E’21, ME’21, was the first place winner of the 2022 Innovator Awards given out by Northeastern’s Women Who Empower in the young alumnae graduate category, which she will use to develop a robotic arm that can sign in ASL.


Kaitlyn Ramesh

Jun 14, 2022

First Year UPLIFT Scholar’s Research Leads to Summer REU at Harvard University

During her first year as an UPLIFT Scholar, Kaitlyn Ramesh, E’25, bioengineering, conducted research under the mentorship of Mingyang Lu, assistant professor of bioengineering and researcher in the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics. She worked on developing a pseudotime algorithm that uses temporal single-cell RNA sequencing data. From this experience, Ramesh was selected for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates summer program at Harvard University. She will work at a biophysics lab involved in the Harvard Quantitative Biology Initiative.


Apr 04, 2022

Kleinberg Receives Prestigious Goldwater Scholarship

Giona Kleinberg, E’23, bioengineering and biochemistry, received the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, one of the nation’s most prestigious, merit-based awards for undergraduate students who plan to pursue research careers in natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics.


Amanda Dee

Mar 17, 2022

Passion for Research in the Lab and in Industry Leads to Goldwater Scholar Nomination

Amanda Dee, E’23, bioengineering, has always enjoyed learning about the world around her. She participated in FIRST Lego League at the age of 8 and reached out to a professor in her hometown of Amherst, Massachusetts, at 13 years old—an experience that sparked her interest in plant biology. Her passion for hands-on work and STEM […]


Giona Kleinberg

Mar 17, 2022

Pursuing Multiple Passions

When one chooses a career, it makes sense that career should match one’s individual interests. But what if a person has multiple interests and goals, is it possible for one path to include them all? For Giona Kleinberg, E’23, the answer is yes. He believes his combined bioengineering and biochemistry major gives him the freedom […]


Dec 07, 2021

Featured Galante Fellow: Heather Gerstley

Heather Gerstley is a fifth-year student at Northeastern University graduating this December with a Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering and a Master’s degree in Engineering Management. Gerstley knew that she wanted to work in healthcare and help people in a rapidly changing and innovative industry. With her interest in mathematics and life sciences, Bioengineering was the […]

Bioengineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering